Documentation - Version 0.9, 2004/12/01
(c) 2004 Michael Egger [ a n y m a ], me(AT)
- MAX/MSP by Miller Puckette and David Zicarelli, © 2004 cycling74
- SoftVNS by David Rokeby
- toxine, intox and detox - XML parsing objects by jasch
- string objects by jasch
- rs.textbutton by Roby Steinmetzer
- shell, mkdir, exists and launchurl by Bill Orcutt
- psw.log by Peter Swinnen
- additional xsl stylsheets by Mark Burton and Pierre-Gilles Frebourg
- french translation of web page by Pierre-Gilles Frebourg
- Images shown on the screenshots are from STREETV04, a tv project with kids we did at Geneva, summer 2004
Live Cut is an opensource project by [ a n y m a ]